Thursday, May 22, 2014

UPDATE: Kevin Heights Neighborhood Residents File A Complaint Against ATT

by C. Henry Adams

Updated:  May 22nd 2014 2:51 pm EST

As of May 22nd 2014, the Historic Kevin Heights Neighborhood Complaint against AT and T has been resolved.

A little known Historic Duplex which actually sat where Interstate 20 is now located, is the center of discussion. 

It was removed and placed in the Kevin Heights Neighborhood over 50 years ago.

It is the private property ,whereas, the incident has occurred.

A portion of the property is backed by the Georgia Department of Transportation barrier wall overgrown with vegetation, it is near the corner of Tribble Lane and Linkwood Road in Northwest Atlanta.

The Private Owner of the said historic property spoke with AT and T Technicians on site and was told that repairs would be made after the construction period end.  However, this construction period has continue off and on for months.

Atlanta City Councilman C. T. Martin's Office relayed a message to an AT and T contact as well.

An Executive Representative of AT and T receive notice from the Chairman Chuck Eaton's office of District 3 for the Georgia Public Service Commission and immediately contacted a representative of the Kevin Heights Neighborhood to resolve the matter amicably.

As it stands, there is a positive outlook to the end of this story.

Note:  This complaint was sent to the Georgia Public Service Commission, its Chairman Chuck Eaton of District 3 and various others seeking a positive outcome.


It has been observed on several occasions by Neighbors entering the Kevin Heights Neighborhood, to which is a part of the Collier Heights Community in Northwest Atlanta; that tire tracks smear and disfigured the grounds at the entrance.

Therefore, residents made efforts to place "Keep off the Grass" signs at the entrance in hopes of containing further damage to the property.

It appears their efforts were to no avail.

On Tuesday, May 20th 2014,  a resident of the Kevin Heights Neighborhood approach the entrance to the subdivision to discover what appear to be an AT and T Bucket Truck parked on the grass where the entrance sign to the neighborhood is located.

The resident approach the AT and T Technician and a male Georgia POST Off-Duty Policeman of another jurisdiction outside the City of Atlanta guarding the Technician.

He asked the AT and T Technician to remove his truck off the grassy area that display the Neighborhood sign.

The AT and T Technician refused to remove what appears to be a Bucket Truck and the Georgia POST Off-Duty Policeman told the resident that the Technician had a right to park the truck on the lawn and directed the resident to have a "Nice Day" and leave immediately.

Considering the fact that the vehicle or Bucket Truck would not impede traffic on the street, plus if this vehicle is in fact a Bucket Truck, it could extend to reach any utilities without destroying the lawn, the sewer covers seen damaged and entrance to a neighborhood; the AT and T Technician clearly damaged property while reducing the property value of the community.

Nevertheless, on Wednesday, May 21st 2014, the same or similar Bucket Truck with the same Male AT and T Technician was seen on the Bucket Truck parked on the lawn with no regard to the neighborhood.

In fact, approximately 4:00 pm EST it was observed by a resident that the AT and T Technician left wires exposed on the Utility Pole and Lines.

AT and T also has left trash and debris laying on the grounds in and around their construction site.

Furthermore, AT and T has failed to cover a hole that is clearly seen at the construction site.

Furthermore, the communication box where the AT and T Technician often work out of is clearly in disarray and appears open at times after technicians have left the site for the day.

Digital images have been taken and documented regarding this neighborhood with the site in question.  These atrocities have been in due form more than 12 months.

It appears that AT and T does not care about their current customers in Northwest Atlanta.

Please see images attached with this complaint.


Kevin Heights Neighborhood Resident

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