Thursday, February 12, 2015

Somebody Else Said, "What Is Economic Adjustment Assistance!?"

by C. Henry Adams

For clarifications purposes only, Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. (404) 348-8319 is a business development and telecommunications consulting firm.

It is also the parent company of BIE Media Group, LLC; an advertisement agency. 

Again, this article is in relationship to a most recent Grant Release by the EDA.

"What Is Economic Adjustment Assistance!?"

Some people might consider this a money question or the answer to distress communities experiencing adverse economic changes.  In fact, let's go with this quote for an objective of Economic Adjustment Assistance below:

"Objectives (050):

To address the needs of distressed communities experiencing adverse economic changes that may occur suddenly or over time, and generally result from industrial or corporate restructuring, new Federal laws or requirements, reduction in defense expenditures, depletion of natural resources, or natural disaster. Economic Adjustment Assistance grants are intended to enhance a distressed community's ability to compete economically by stimulating private investment in targeted areas. Current investment priorities include proposals that focus on (a) Collaborative Regional Innovation, (b) Public/Private Partnerships, (c) National Strategic Priorities, (d) Global Competitiveness, (e) Environmentally-Sustainable Development, (f) Economically Distressed and Underserved Communities. For more information on these investment priorities and current funding opportunities, go to"

We hope this information provides an answer and gives insights into how to help boost the economy in your area or community.

These are our thoughts, so what do you think?

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