Friday, June 24, 2016

Observing The United Kingdom Vote To Split From The European Union

By C. Henry Adams

It is understood that whatever happens in Europe, Africa, Asia or Australia, as well as, the other three continents not mentioned; could very likely have an affect on us in the USA. 

Whereas, when
17,410,742  Citizens of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union 
, the implications of their decision will now be felt here in the United States in some form or fashion.

I'm personally not in the business of speculation, but instead observation when it comes to our economy.

I would recommend to my clients and colleagues alike to pay close attention in the coming hours of these developments.  

Note:  The process of the UK leaving the EU may take years, but observing the markets now is important.

Well, these are my thoughts, what say you?  Thanks for reading our blogs.

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