Friday, February 26, 2010

DNS Security Issues Are Real, People!

Before the eve of my 40th birthday, if you asked me, "C. what's all this talk about DNS Security Issues?" I probably would have said, " I don't know, but we will research it and get right back with you.

Well, today approximately- 48 hours later, we don't "think" we got a grasp on DNSSEC (Domain Name Server Security) related issues, we know that we do.

Why? Well, it appears we have been made a target in some Hacker or Group of Hackers game utilizing the Yahoo Search Engine.

How do we know? Well, I'm going to try and put the explanation in layman terms in this blog to give you a clearer understanding. I don't challenge any experts to dispute our findings, I invite legitimate Cyber Security Experts (Anonymous, if need be.) to concur or correct me along this epic journey in the World of Computers or Information Technology.

Anyway, please prepare to take mental notes and I will talk in bullet points beyond this statement below:

* When building a marketing image on the Internet through various web sites and social networks, it is not conceited to look up your Brand Name or Company Name, it is in fact a wise thing to do. This allows you to identify your reach and your audience.

* Wednesday Feb. 24th, 2010 - A BIE Official was researching "C. Henry Adams & BIE" on the Internet through (3) three main search engines (Google, Bing & Yahoo). The objective was to identify whether or not input purposely submitted was actually being found somewhere on the Worldwide Web. Note: A Trade secret Strategy

* It was discovered that "C. Henry Adams & BIE" was found to be associated with the following websites below to name a few:


Note: All of these web sites are properly registered with a group called IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ) and if this was not true, you would not be able to access them via their domain name on the Net.

I can hear somebody saying right now, "So, what's the problem, I don't understand."

My answer: Alright, standby- we are going to explain this situation coming up.

* Well, apparently Hackers (The Bad Guys in Black Hats) have figured out how to either create or manipulate a DNS (Domain Name Server). By placing "False" Domain Names on web pages to fool you and redirect links to an unnamed server (computer that works with & connects to the Internet to send data) which will then inadvertently download an executable file (A computer program that ends in ---> .exe or sometimes disguised as ---> .tmp) to your computer causing very serious damage beyond your own imagination. Note: NOT ALL '.exe' files are BAD.

Note: What we just stated is not a Fairy Tale or a joke, it is a reality in the real sense and we recommend that you read these statements above several times to try and comprehend what is being said if you don't understand.

Now, you may ask, well Mr. Adams, how do you know these things and how do it apply to your Brand Name & Company?

* Ok, as the BIE Official scanned the web page results found on the Yahoo Search Engine web site, it was discovered that someone had purposely created a link pulled by the Yahoo Search Engine that had:

1) " C. Henry " or

2) " December 18 or 19, 2009 C Henry "

in blue and in the description somewhere "C. Henry Adams is President & CEO of BIE, Inc."

These two particular type links described above were shown in illustration yesterday in our Press Release. But, to review them, click on our BIE CYBER TEAM Page Below:

* Now, to determine if the Domain Names which falsely identified with the links were real, BIE CYBER TEAM performed a simple tracking test which is also illustrated in the above web page. What this tracking test or program found suggested that the Domain Names were not registered with IANA at that time nor was there an IP (Internet Protocol) Address assigned to them, thus an indicator of an DNSSEC issue that Yahoo has not solved.

Before I go, below is some recent articles posted on the Net related to this issue to read:

1) Intel latest to admit January hacking attack

2) Attack Unmasks User Behind The Browser

3) Comcast (finally) brings security extensions to DNS

BIE CYBER TEAM Theory of Cyber Attack:

a) Hacker hacks DNS (server) or creates a redirect computer program to a computer that downloads bad files to Unsuspected Internet User's Computer.

b) Unsuspected Internet User has broadband connection to the Internet and works from home sometimes on a particular computer.

c) Unsuspected Internet User utilize a Internet Browser that does not protect them from connecting to bad web sites that auto download bad files.

d) Major Internet Companies fail to install DNSSEC software to protect their Unsuspected Internet Users.

e) Hacker utilize espionage techniques to gather bits and pieces about a particular or targeted Unsuspected Internet User to access a major company.

f) When the Hacker succeeds with their constant approach, the Unsuspected Internet User & Major Company loses.

Preventive Maintenance:
1) Train and educated Unsuspected Internet User
2) Turn-off the computer when not in use on a Broadband Connection.
3) Utilize an Internet Browser that protects Unsuspected Internet Users from connecting to bad web sites.
4) Be Vigilant & Report all Internet Incidents to US

So, what are your thoughts?


C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Google " C. Henry Adams & BIE "

Follow Me On Twitter

Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year!

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Press Release: Cyber Attack Utilizing C Henry Adams Name Found On Yahoo Search Engine

Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
Corporate Headquarters Mailstop
PO BOX 757
Lithia Springs, Georgia 30122-0757
(404) 348 - 8319

February 25th, 2010

Wednesday Feb. 24th, 2010, a Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. ("BIE") Official discovered a potential Cyber attack method against unsuspected Users seeking information about C. Henry Adams, President & CEO of Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc. on the Yahoo Search Engine Web site.

It is not apparent how long this form of Cyber attack has been present. Nor has there been a Hacker or Group of Hackers who step forward to express their grievance against Mr. Adams or Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.

However, BIE has taken action to contact the proper Cyber Security Authorities in hopes of some type of investigation into the matter.

It is unknown as to why Mr. Adams was made a target, with the exception that some sort of retaliation was taken against Mr. Adams for sharing simple Cyber Security Methods to protect the public from further attacks.

To further protect the public from discovering these Cyber attack page links on the Yahoo Search Engine web site, BIE will reveal preventative measures taken to protect its network of computers below in steps and with illustrations:

1) BIE, has been utilizing the latest Mozilla Firefox Browser. You may go to the following web sites for Mozilla to get additional information:


b) ( US & English Language )

Note: The latest browser upgrade prevented the redirect of the Cyber Attack pages from occurring.

2) BIE CYBER TEAM has documented the incident on its web page. Please click the link below to see what a false search listing in C. Henry Adams & BIE looks like. This will help you to avoid false listings of this kind in the future.

Note: Not all links to C. Henry Adams & BIE are false. For your safety, we have reviewed a number of links and will identify what social networks below are safe to click on regarding C. Henry Adams & BIE:

Web Sites & Social Networks (Safe Links) to Click On Regarding C. Henry Adams & BIE:


Please note that we have not identified all of the legitimate links connected to our brand name C. Henry Adams & BIE.

Thank you for reading this press release and for more information, please contact BIE Staff at (404) 348 - 8319.

Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
PO Box 757
Lithia Springs, Ga. 30122-0757
(404) 348-8319
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stop Playing And Make Some Money With Tweeter

Congratulations on setting up a Twitter account. Quick suggestion: Twitter is a 140 character broadcast tool used for disseminating information. The trick or technique in utilizing Twitter depends on your audience reading your information you broadcast.

Free of Charge Information:

1) Pick a target market. (Example: People who need to develop their business.)

2) Provide valuable information about the development of business from various articles online you've researched; events occurring like business seminars etc.

3) Create a Microblog Show with a maximum of (10) 140 character updates including the referencing of articles or events related to your expertise online or some simple knowledge related to your business to share freely.

4) From time to time, advertise your product or service ( leaving your telephone number or web site address to contact you, NOT your email address.

This process will draw certain people, but some of them you will have to weed out. Pay close attention to the trends and number of people. Watch for the Twitter Spammers & erase them. Also, you don't need 10,000 people to make a sale just 5 to 10, then it will grow.

Good Fortune.


C. Henry Adams
President / CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319

Google " C. Henry Adams & BIE "

Follow Me On Twitter

Promoting Small Business 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week and 365 Days a Year!

The information contained herein is for the exclusive use of the original recipient. This information is granted for limited distribution within the recipient's place of business for planning purposes only. Further dissemination, whether private or public is prohibited.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Epiphany of the Significance of Kinaya Bryd's Life to the City of Atlanta

The following message was between C. Henry Adams and a Spiritual Leader/Facebook Friend Elder John Woods regarding the Significance of Kinaya Bryd to the City of Atlanta and particularly a community often forgotten for its importance.

This particular discussion written February 16th, 2010 on Facebook and transferred to C. Henry Adams & BIE, Inc. Blogs was and is something to ponder and think about.

John Woods February 16 at 10:02am

Hello Bro. Chris:

I saw the story of the slain teacher in the AJC and see that her funeral will be at St. Paul AME Church. I think this is your cousin that you mentioned. I am sorry for your loss and will continue to pray for you and her family. God bless you.



C Henry Adams February 16 at 11:25am

Thank you for your sympathy Elder Woods,

But note that the loss of my Cousin transcend deeper than one on the outside can imagine.

Why do I say that?

1) She no doubt was Family and a Child of My God.

2) Domestic Violence in America is killing relationships between Men & Women and Children daily of all races, creeds and origins.

3) Kinaya, was & is a legacy of a Community that developed after the Civil War in the late 1800's of mostly people of African American Descent who were former slaves then poverty stricken then realized that their only way out of their poverty stricken situation was through their religion, education, perseverance, strong belief of Neighborly Love and dedication to making a better life for themselves. I'm referring to the Pittsburgh & Mechanicsville Community of the City of Atlanta.

4) She was a Second Grade Teacher. Many years ago, while in the second grade, I loss my older bloodline Brother while he served in the US Army during the period of the Cold War. His death, devastated me and my entire Family. I was retained another year in the second grade as a result of his death, depression and later dyslexia as I discovered years following. Nevertheless, this experience had a vast effect on my life. I can only imagine what her students who are around the ages of 7 & 8 will experience when they discover that she will no longer be on this earth to greet them.

5) Here is the loss of a potential mother to be or a potential wife to be to a good man that would not be worthy of her.

6) This death, this negative event in all of the lives effected by what has transpired effects the recovery of our economy by shedding a gray cloud over optimistic minds who can't see the light of day to figure out how to help America recover.

But, as I write this Epiphany of the Significance of Kinaya Bryd's Life to the City of Atlanta and the World, I recognize that their is still hope in you and me my Brother to make things right.


Folks, thee above statements came straight from my heart. As a small business owner, I struggle daily trying to keep my head above water. As a Single Male or even as a Single Male of African American Descent, I'm faced with many toils & snares like any man of any race in America. However, I know now and forever Domestic Violence is not the answer.

Folks, we have got to find a way to come together to save ourselves in more ways than one.

So, what do you think? You now can call (404) 348-8319 and leave a comment about what you think about this Blog Topic, even though it does not exactly relates to Small Business. Note: Your comment will be recorded and played back for the World to hear.


C. Henry Adams
President & CEO
Broadcasting Interest Enterprise, Inc.
(404) 348-8319
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