Friday, June 16, 2017

Extraordinary Sewing Group

by C. Henry Adams

In May of 2017 while visiting the Adams Center located on the campus of Christ Community AME Church in Clarkston, Georgia, I walked into a sewing class by happenstance.

Well, I did not think much of the ordinary looking class, until I sat down and listen to the extraordinary capabilities the group of professional women described.

It was quite amazing to hear of all the things made with a sewing machine.  Empowering youth, as well as, adults to learn this unique skill helps build the economy.

As a youth, my late Mother & Father use to say that there was nothing you could not accomplish, if only you put your mind to it.  Operating a sewing machine effectively could be a form of income.

That being said, feel free to click on the audio or video version of C. Henry Blogs and share your thoughts.


C. Henry Adams

C. Henry Blogs Audio and Video Production of the article is entitled, " Extraordinary Sewing Group".

This production features:
1) Rochelle Laurino
2) Sheila Boddie
3) VJ Jackson
4) Ruth Staples
5) Clarice Martin

This production was sponsored by Empathy, a private practice and licensed professional counseling service.  Call (404) 781-1287  Availability: Monday-Saturday  Counseling Services for Depression, Substance Abuse & Marital Problems   Location: 3350 Riverwood Drive Atlanta, Ga 30339

SoundCloud Audio Production Link:

YouTube Video Production Link:


C. Henry Adams
Benefits Advisor
977 Montreal Rd
Box 1089
Clarkston, Georgia 30021
CHA Linkedin 
(404) 254-7187

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